Barbara Jereczek-Fossa

Barbara Alicja Jereczek (married Jereczek-Fossa) M.D. Ph.D.  Born in Gdansk, Poland in 1966, since 1997 lives and works in Milan, Italy.  

Barbara Alicja Jereczek-Fossa, MD, PhD, is a Full Professor of Radiation Oncology at Department of Oncology and Hemato-oncology at the University of Milan (UNIMI), Italy and Head of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the European Institute of Oncology IRCCS (IEO), Milan, Italy. Prof. Jereczek-Fossa is an active member of numerous national and international scientific societies, committees and editorial boards and regularly participates in scientific meetings, consensus and guidelines task-forces. She has developed broad teaching experience within regular pre- and post-graduate university activities and conducts numerous educational courses or up-date courses, masterclasses, and webinars organized by or in collaboration with ESTRO, ESO, EAU, AIRO, SIURO, AIOM, as well as providing teaching lectures and abstract reviews during numerous international oncology conferences. Her research and clinical interests are mainly focused on urological malignancies, head and neck cancers, new fractionation protocols, new radiotherapy approaches (stereotactic radiotherapy, IMRT, IGRT, proton therapy etc.), treatment accuracy, side effects and patient’s quality of life, combined modality approach (including organ preservation studies), AI & radiomics, and new prognostic and predictive factors. Regarding her scientific publications, Prof. Jereczek-Fossa is author of over 400 peer-reviewed scientific papers and 7 book chapters and she is in the Top Italian Scientists list – TIS list. Indeed, considering published paper from 1993, she gained a total impact factor (IF) of 1628.123 (09/01/2023, mean IF: 3.786/article) and her H-index, according to Google Scholar, is 48 (Author ID: 7004306533; ORCID:

Barbara Jereczek-Fossa has been elected as the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) President-elect. Her term will officially begin in two years at ESTRO 2026, succeeding Matthias Guckenberger. 


2014: National Academic Qualification as Full Professor,

2013: National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor, 

2011: Master in Management in Health Service (cum laude), Catholic University of Milan and Lombardy Region, Italy 

2005: Specialization in Clinical Oncology (cum laude), Cancer Institute of Warsaw, Poland 2002: Specialization in Radiation Oncology (cum laude), University of Milan, Italy, 

1999: Specialization in Radiation Oncology (cum laude), Cancer Institute of Warsaw, Poland, 

1997: MD degree (cum laude), University of Milan, Italy ,

1996: PhD in Medicine, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland, 

1992: MD degree (cum laude), Medical University of Gdansk, Poland Professional Experience/Appointments, 

1 st May 2015, ongoing: Director, the Division of Radiotherapy, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy 

1 st February 2015, ongoing: Associate Professor in Radiation Oncology, University of Milan, Italy 

2010-2015: Senior Deputy Director of the Division of Radiotherapy, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy 

2006-2010: Deputy Director of the Division of Radiotherapy, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy 

2006-2015: Assistant Professor in Radiation Oncology, University of Milan, Italy 2001-2006: specialist in radiation oncology and assistant physician of the Division of Radiotherapy, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy 

since April 2004: senior assistant physician) 

1999-2002: residency program in radiation oncology, University of Milan, Italy 

1997-1998: research fellow at the Division of Radiotherapy, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy 

1992-1996: assistant physician and research fellow at the Dept. of Oncology and Radiotherapy, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland, including fellowships: 

1995: fellowship at the Dept. of Gynecology, University of Turin, Italy (2 months) 

1994: fellowship at the Beatson Oncology Centre, University of Glasgow, Great Britain (3 months) 

1992: fellowship at the National Cancer Institute, Genoa, Italy (1 month) 


collaboration in the frame of several research projects (including ALLEGRO project of European Atomic Energy Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013], EUREKA-2, HORIZON 2020, and projects of the Italian Ministry of Health, University of Milan, and Italian Association of Cancer Research AIRC), in some of them as Principal Investigator, member of the Teaching Committee of the PhD program of the University of Milan, member of the Clinical Radiotherapy Committee (2007-2012) and Education and Training Committee (2009 – ongoing) of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology ( (ESTRO), coordinator of the National Prostate Research Working Group of the Italian Association of Radiation Oncology (2011-2012), broad teaching experience within regular pre- and postgraduate university activities and numerous international and national teaching activities (like Course Director of the Training Course of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology on Combined Drug Radiation Treatment)

Research Interests: 

Urological malignancies, oligometastatic cancer, combined modality approach, high precision radiotherapy (stereotactic radiotherapy, IMRT, IGRT etc.), new fractionation protocols, radiotherapy side effects and patient’s quality of life, and new prognostic and predictive factors. 

Professional Membership & Associations: 

European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), Italian Society of Radiation Oncology (AIRO), Italian Society of Radiobiology (AIRB), Italian Society of Urologic Oncology (SIURO), Italian Board of Medical Doctors, Milan, Scientific Committee of Europa Uomo Italia, Onlus New Protocol Review Committee at the European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy, Committee of the Quality of the Clinical Research at the European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy, Editorial Committee of Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy Editorial Committee of Oncologia Europea Editorial Committee of ecancermedicalscience 

Honours and Awards: 

2001, prize of the Polish Ministry of Health for the 5 publications on the biology and clinic of gynecological tumors 1999-2003, 4 prizes of the Dean of Medical University of Gdansk, Poland, for the clinical research in oncology and radiotherapy 1998, prize for the best scientific presentation on lung and head and neck cancer at the IIIrd Educational ESO Convention, Turin, Italy 1998 and 2001, prize for the best attendance at the Continuous Medical Education program, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy 1992, Primus inter pares prize for the best student at the Medical University, Gdansk, Poland 1991, Reward of the Polish Ministry of Health for the best medicine student (English course in England) 

Contact details: 


Division of Radiotherapy, 

European Institute of Oncology

University of Milan, Italy 

Via Ripamonti, 435 – 20141 Milan 

Tel: (0039)0257489037



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