Marek Radomski

Dr. Radomski was appointed as Vice-Dean Research in 2016.  The Vice-Dean, Research is the senior leader in the college for all research-related matters and provides vision and leadership for the development and implementation of a comprehensive, integrated research plan for the College of Medicine.                            

Doctor honoris causa (UCM)
Chair of Pharmacology (1979)

Marek Radomski is a highly cited pharmacologist (listed in who worked both in academia  and the pharmaceutical industry in Poland, Spain, Canada, USA and Ireland. 

Dr. Radomski is a highly-cited pharmacologist (>24,000 citations by Google Scholar to date) who worked both in academia and pharmaceutical industry in Poland, UK, Spain, Canada, USA and Ireland. He mentored many MSc, PhD and postdoctoral students. 

He is interested in platelet and vascular biology, pharmacological mediators including nitric oxide and matrix metalloproteinases, and most recently, in nanomedicine, nanopharmacology and nanotoxicology.  

Contact details:                                                                                     

Pr Marek Radomski M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.T.C.D.                

Vice-Dean Research Address: 

4A20, Health Sciences Building

Location: Panoz Institute, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

tel: +353-1-896-2819  


tel. 306-966-8119


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